Latest Articles

The Impact of Inflation on Mortgage Rates

If you’re reading headlines about the impact of inflation on mortgage rates, you may see something about the recent decisions from the Federal Reserve (the Fed). But what does it mean for you, the housing market, and your plans to buy a home? In an earlier blog, we discussed the challenges of buying a home in today’s […]

5 Reasons Millennials Are Buying Homes

In the United States, there are over 72 million millennials. If you’re part of that generation and have thought about buying a home, you aren’t alone. According to Zonda, 98% of millennials want to become a homeowner at some point if they aren’t already. But why? There are plenty of reasons you may choose to become a homeowner. Here are […]

Why Buying a Home Is a Sound Decision

If you’re thinking about purchasing a home in today’s market, you may need to be reassured that buying a home is a sound decision. And for many, that means taking into consideration what home prices are projected to do in the coming years and how that could impact your investment. So far this year, we […]